Nature Nourished Wisdom
for Today’s Leaders
Deepen your leadership intuition.
Strengthen your inner guidance.
Activate your full potential.
Access elemental wisdom.
Nourish your essence.
Source soul-filled financial flow.
Become a Nature Honoring Intuitive Leader.

Intuitive Business & Leadership Mentor

Utilize the practices in this guide when you choose to open to more intuitive flow, insights, and guiding wisdom in your life, business, and leadership.
If you have any issue downloading your guide please email me and I'll send it to you directly. Lisa

Are inspired to learn more about applying the principles of the organic natural world to your
leadership in order to support the environment and generations to come.
Are seeking new models of cooperation, collaboration, growth, and guidance.
Are ready to use your intuition, emotions, and relationship skills in life and business
in as many ways as you use your head to think things through.
Choose to be successful and wealthy in addition to living in harmony
and right relationship to the natural world.
Long for your passion, purpose, and prosperity to be replenished in ways that fill you up.
Yearn to rediscover your innate power of creation and authentic leadership skills for more impact.
Here you'll find soul-filling tools to enhance your nature-nourished leadership.

Why I'm sharing this body of work with you...
For over two decades, I've been dedicated to the sacred art of nature connected leadership for an enriched future for humanity. The core body of knowledge I share was downloaded to me one morning in 1999 after asking a question before sleep. "Why have I been studying so many seemly unrelated subjects?"
With Divine clarity I understood the thread that connected all my spiritual endeavors and training - The Elemental Forces. Each step along my journey, I was understanding how Earth, Water, Air, Fire, and Spirit function (with)in consciousness.
This is a living body of work and it has grown and expanded over the years helping thousands of people, including me, to enhance our leadership and conscious creation abilities. Elemental energies meet you where you are in your development and will help you strengthen your inner knowing as a leader. The forces of creation found in nature develop your skills, gifts, powers, soul purpose, intuition, wisdom, and your creation capacity.

I’ve been honored to bring forth this body of knowledge. I know the only way for me to have held it was all my years of training and consciousness development as a ballet dancer and a priestess. I’ve shared the wisdom of the elemental forces in multiple books, an oracle, and in more workshops, facilitator trainings, and certifications than I can count. Each supporting the deep transformation of consciousness in the lives of those who engage the teachings. It's helped them step into a greater level of essence expression, intuition, creation mastery, and soul-filled leadership.
Many of my certifications are now with other wonderful facilitators, some with the extensive license to train creation coaches. Over the years I’ve added to my knowledge bank with extensive study with high level leadership, entrepreneur, and investor mentors. Each expanding my capacity to support you further as an entrepreneur and leader.

I’m looking forward to sharing support tools and insights with you for you to bring forth more
of your soul purpose, align your inner creation team, receive guidance, nourish your leadership, strengthen your intuition, apply your creation energy to develop your own processes and certifications, and to bring forth your next level of impact as an entrepreneur and leader.
It's helpful to know that with a more conscious connection to Nature, you can also:
• Deepen your intuition and inner guidance so you can create soul filled financial flow while nourishing your essence.
• Improve your personal and professional relationships and communications as you more fully understand the elemental energies and archetypes.
• Increase your inner harmony and balance by aligning with both active and receptive energies.
• Direct your intention for health and wellness in naturally supportive ways.
• Find your purpose and passion expanding as you fully express your unique essence.
• Strengthen your authentic leadership abilities.
• Open to more Divine Feminine wisdom in "right" relationship to the sacred masculine.
• Dynamically direct the creation energies of your business and life for organic success.
• Develop your inner abilities to expand your natural personal power.
• Become more effective in life and leadership in each realm: physical, emotional, mental, action, and spiritual.

Support Sessions
Do you ever find yourself needing someone to hold space for what you're going through and to support your next level of growth?
Do you sometimes feel alone in your leadership journey and need support yourself?
What would your life look like if you have the loving guided support you need?
I’ve been deeply supporting people to break through to their next level of potential for over 30 years.
Each year, I hold sacred space to work one-on-one with a select number of leaders, coaches, visionaries, leaders and entrepreneurs who are ready to go deep using the secret of nature, to embed the world with their positive radiance.
I'll help you dive deep in a supportive and safe space.
This is not for everyone.
Do you feel called? Do you feel the stirrings to be more in alignment with your divine gifts?
If you are committed to awakening a new level of your divine connection and inner guidance, we should talk.
Send me a message and we'll find a time to connect. I'd be happy to get to know you and help determine your next best steps. Lisa