Creation Team Integration Session
This session is for you if you are saying: "Help, I feel like parts of me are going in different directions and not working well together. I'm feeling out of sync with my soul purpose. I need help releasing my overwhelm, knowing what to do next, and/or manifesting my current heart’s desire." See how I can support you when you book a complimentary session.
“I had my 1:1 session today with Lisa and honestly, it unlocked SO MUCH for me. I'm still very much processing all that transpired, but in that one short hour, she guided me to places where I've been splintered since I was a child. There are areas of my being that I was actively pushing away, thinking they had no place when in actuality, I cannot be fully Elizabeth without those disparate parts of myself. I'm exceedingly grateful for Lisa because I instantly felt a deep connection with her, and as such, I trusted her enough to be vulnerable and share with her as things bubbled up during our session. Thank you, Lisa!!!!”
Dr. Elizabeth Rosner
“The work I have done with Lisa is honestly the most valuable "self-work" I have ever done. I feel like it has given me "THE KEY" to unlocking my "ME". The sessions we do always reveal these amazing truths that are leading me toward so much more self-acceptance and flow in my experience. Thank you Lisa! XO”
Kiva Mirelle
“I have recently completed an in-depth 1on1 session with Lisa and her understanding and key insights have been truly eye opening in helping me clearly understand not just the inner conflicts that have been creating obstacles in my pathway but also clarifying the unique ways that I can clear the blocks and operate in new higher levels of conscious behavior!”
Ian Woodhouse

Release Session
This session is for you if you are saying: "Help, I feel stuck, I’ve hit a wall internally (emotionally, mentally, or energetically)
and I need some clearing and direction to get going again in order to reach my potential."
See how I can support you when you book a complimentary session.
“Lisa is wonderful in tuning into the individual needs of you as an entrepreneur and in providing assistance for you to take your business forward in new and exciting ways. In her mentoring sessions, you find ways to bring forth your own individual talents to help and lead others in your own community and beyond.”
Kati Tuulipuro
“Lisa's guidance has been an incredible blessing in my life. Her leadership, business, and personal development trainings have supported me to discover my fulfilling purpose; answer the call to make a difference in the world through my unique genius; refine my facilitation skills and gifts that I use to be of service; become a heart-centered consciously empowered leader and co-creator of a life I love; clarify my entrepreneurial path, business model, and service offerings; to move through this life with more grace and ease by living in harmony with the natural rhythms of creation; and inspired my passionate 'why'- to help catalyze the personal and cultural change that manifests a more loving and consciously sustainable and soulful world.”
Angela Roberts
“Meeting Lisa Michaels a few years ago was like putting turbo boosters on both my personal and professional growth. Lisa is an eclectic blend of grace, strength, sharp intellect and vision with a powerful ability to catalyze change in others. A natural born leader and change maker Lisa raises the bar in any endeavor she applies herself to. Lisa’s passion for business, education, humanity and a quality, “thriving life for all” places her at the forefront of the professional/personal growth arena. If you are ready to say YES to the highest vision of yourself and take planned, sustainable action Lisa Michaels knows how to bring that vision into reality!”
Sandy Combs

Creation Support Session
This session is for you if you are saying: “Help, I’m creating my certification, writing my program titles, or designing a
presentation and I need some quick breakthrough support to know what to do next.”
See how I can support you when you book a complimentary session.
“I thought I was going to learn about Microschools from Lisa. What I got was a session which clarified and corrected my vision into a future I can truly get excited about. It was a magical session with a sensitive perceptive lady who is creative and knows just the direction you need to head in. What a blessing she is. Thanks Lisa so much.”
Shirley McKinnon
“Having read Lisa's reviews I thought I knew what to expect during her Design and Build 121 Mentoring. I now realize that Lisa tunes into each person's energy and what you need at time to create a personalized experience and outcome. We were stuck with the name of our MicroSchool and how we would describe the modules. With Lisa's guidance the stuckness disappeared, and everything immediately started to flow again. Working with Lisa is pure joy!”
Sue Jackson
“I am a remote sales expert, and lately I've had the opportunity to create an online course. I've been working on it for 4 weeks!!! Trying to create an outline, and feeling stressed out about it, not sure how to put it together. And in 30 minutes Lisa helped me put together what the tangible outcome of my course would be, the core modules I would teach, the exercises in those modules, and the homework assignments I would give my students. So in the 30 minutes she literally did what I couldn't do in 4 weeks!!!”
Santos Alberto

If you don't know which session you need no worries book any of them and we can figure out what you need most on our call.
I look forward to working with you!
If you'd like to connect with me to determine if a session is a right for you schedule a time here.

If you need deeper support to design and build your program or certification schedule a time to connect with me and we’ll see if working together is a good fit.
Schedule Here
Download a complimentary “How to Guide” by Lisa Michaels to discover how to use power of facilitating transformation & leveraging certifications to increase your Income & impact. In this guide you’ll find out…
The two types of facilitation you need to develop to really create results in your client interactions.
The 5 levels of the certification pathway and which one is best for your business now to strategically grow your income and impact.
How the type of Genius you are makes a difference in the type of certification you leverage now.