Lunar Rhythm: Virgo Full Moon

Element: Full Moon in Virgo, Earth • Sun in Pisces, Water
Window March 6-8 • Exact March 7
The full moon in Virgo creates a great window for getting business handled and your work done. Virgo’s dedication to its sacred work makes it a prime time to attend to details of life in order to get a lot accomplished. With Virgo’s help you can finish your taxes, work on your budget, create a cash flow management strategy, all while honoring the sacred that flows through all aspects of life, including your financial life.
Work with your finances in a ceremonial way. Clean off and organize your workspace and put fresh flowers and sacred objects on your desk, maybe even light a candle. Get out your journal and some denomination of money. Then from a space of giving thanks for all you do have financially and in life, ask money to share with you any information you need in handling it right now. Write down in your journal what you receive. You can also do the same thing with preparing your resume or any other aspect of life that needs your attention.
A Virgo window helps you organize any part of your life that needs attention, so put it to good use. Notice what needs organizing or completion in order for you to be more effective or efficient.
Virgo also creates a wonderful window of sacred space for ceremony and ritual. When you combine it with the deeply spiritual Pisces archetype, you have a potent full moon to connect to the Divine and anchor your new moon Pisces dreams solidly on the earth plane with a Virgo-inspired ceremony. Listen internally to the area that most needs attention in your life to effectively determine the focus for your ceremony. Actively connect to Divine Source to access deep inner guidance to guide you in the days and months ahead.
Choose the one or two ideas you need most to work with, then focus on those. Intentions function best when there are only one or two to concentrate on in any cycle.
Personal Action Suggestions for Virgo Full Moon:
❖ Connect to the sacred, create an elemental altar, and perform a creation ceremony.
❖ Organize.
❖ Make completions.
❖ Energize your exercise and health program.
❖ Connect to the patterns, rhythms, and cycles of nature.
❖ Spend time outside connecting to the Earth.
❖ Give thanks to your body. Ask your body what it needs.
Business/Professional Action Suggestions Virgo Full Moon:
❖ This is a great window for business. Notice what needs attention.
❖ If you are looking for a job, work with your resume and inner guidance now.
❖ Notice ways you can increase your business productivity.
❖ Connect to the sacred in your work.
❖ Create a ceremony around your business to infuse it with sacred energy.
❖ Handle completion details.
❖ Ceremonially work with your finances. Call on the elements (Earth, Water, Air, Fire, and Spirit) and ask each of them what you need to heighten your financial flow.
Have you downloaded your complimentary Elemental Sacred Space & Blessings Guide? A Virgo Full Moon is a powerful time to connect to the sacred in all you do. Subscribe to download HERE.