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Writer's pictureLisa Michaels

Your Habits Make A Difference

I've only shared a little about this before, but my husband and I've been on a food shift journey for a while now. This has included many facets of how we engage our connection to nature and food. One of those facets has been very mindfully reducing waste. As I was deepening my research on this topic I ran across a woman who calls herself a Zero-Waste Chef and she has a book by the same name. I've learned a lot from her.

Today, she sent out an email about her post Food Waste Isn't a Thing. Wasted Food Is. She shares some very helpful information on topics such as... Food Waste vs Wasted Food In this portion she provides tools too such as 23 easy ways to reduce wasted food. One of my favorites in this list is number 11. Learn to cook without a recipe

She says, "Forgo the recipes, learn how to cook a few endlessly versatile and simple dishes, add this and that, taste as you go and you won’t waste a morsel. Cooking this way—I call it freestyle cooking—may not result in Instagram-worthy meals but they will taste delicious. Click here for a pile of freestyle non-recipe recipes." I've been an advocate of freestyle cooking for a long time and find her tips really useful. Recipes for me are useful guides for learning new combinations for ingredients and I often combine recipe ideas and then follow my intuition. Anyway back to today's'll also find... Food Scraps vs Food Waste Management vs Resource Management Disposable vs Landfill

An intriguing video on "The answer to everything" Check out her full post HERE. I'm food and nature something you are interested in hearing more about? If so, please leave a comment below if this topic resonates with you. Thanks dear one, have a lovely day. Lisa

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Mar 31, 2023

Totally resonates. Thank you so much for sharing this and for all you do to shift us toward a more sustainable future. I also wrote a post on this subject that concerns me very much:


Mar 30, 2023

Yes, please!

Lisa Michaels
Lisa Michaels
Mar 30, 2023
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Great to know Sandy. Thanks for letting me know.

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