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Aquarius Sun 2024

Ah, the fresh air of inspiration blows into your life as the sun moves into Aquarius. The sun in this expansive Air sign brings innovative ideas that can inspire and uplift your life. This sign opens to the full expanse of the Air realm by moving awareness out to the cosmic perspective of the sun, moon, and stars. As you stretch your point of view to this vast outlook, you can gain new ideas and insights to stimulate your life plan.  Use this window to receive fresh inspiration. I've just released a brand new 37 page guidebook "UNLEASH: Your Inner Feminine Prosperity Power". It is part of the Inspired Living Giveaway for the next week so head over and download it now along with over 80 gifts to help you get centered, create a success mind-set & more. This is a perfect way to utilize the sun in Aquarius. This guide book will help you embark on a transformative journey to align your financial destiny with the powerful insights of your astrological archetype. 'UNLEASHED' offers a unique blend of cosmic wisdom and practical financial strategies tailored to your inner feminine power. Use the expansive nature of the Aquarius sun to discover how to harmonize your financial life and your relationship to the abundance of the Universe.  Join the giveaway and then scroll down until you see UNLEASH, then download it and your other wonderful gifts today!

If you were working with the timings during the sun and new moon in Capricorn, you most likely created your solid plan for the year ahead. It is time to allow Aquarius to work its magic. The Sun in Aquarius will give you a big overview of your life and help you put more goals and dreams in writing. 

Air functions in the mental realm and works with both sides of the brain. When you tap into the vast creativity of the right brain, you are able to access more ideas than you could ever use. The left-brain helps you choose which ideas you want to focus on to maximize your intention for creation. Aquarius encourages you to not only think outside the box, but to let go of the box completely and reach for the stars. 

Allow this radical thinking, innovative genius energy to infuse your life plan with ideas that you simply haven’t thought of or considered before. One of those ideas has the potential to take your plans to the next level with a quantum leap. While Earth teaches you to take grounded solid steps toward your goals, Air shows you how to literally vibrate your dreams into being. 

Choose the one or two ideas you need most to work with, then focus on those. Intentions function best when there are only one or two to concentrate on in any cycle. 

Personal Action Suggestions for Aquarius Sun:

  • Open for new ideas to personally bring your creations into form.

  • Now is the time to tune into any financial goals you have set for yourself; explore innovative ideas that will help them happen. 

  • Clarify your vision for the year ahead; then FOCUS your thinking and your intentions.

  • Sit in a quiet meditative state and imagine all your dreams coming into form. 

  • Expand your possibilities. 

  • Open to quantum leaps for your creations.

  • Keep a pad near you for writing down all the creative ideas flowing in.

  • Lighten up and listen to the wind. No matter how cold it is where you are, get outside and breathe in the fresh air as much as possible during this month and listen to the ideas Aquarian air is blowing into your life.

Business/Professional Action Suggestions for Aquarius Sun:

  • Brainstorm by yourself or with others on any creation you feel you need fresh ideas for in your business or profession.

  • Tune into the financial goals you have for your business and open to innovative ideas that will bring them into being.

  • If needed, allow Aquarius to help you upgrade your technical skills.

  • Write fresh marketing copy for your business. 

  • Refocus your business vision and your intentions for the year. 

  • Open for ideas that will help you take a quantum leap in your business.

  • Ask Aquarius how you can spread the word about your business in ways that will make a dynamic difference to your financial bottom line and vastly help others. 

Join the Inspired Living Giveaway and then scroll down until you see UNLEASH, then download it and your other wonderful gifts today! Blessings dear one and happy birthday to all our Aquarius friends! Lisa And if you'd like to join us for updates to the sun and move every few days then join our Nature Aligned Leadership Facebook group.

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