Aries New Moon
Every month brings an energetic boost of energy on the new moon, when the sun and moon align in the same energy. It's very useful to apply it to your business to propel it forward with intuition, guidance, and energy. Today the new moon is in Aries, a fire sign, and I woke up with guidance on something I'd been pondering for a few days. My guidance was very clear on how I needed to take action and leadership in the situation I was considering.
You see Aries is about taking action, stepping up your leadership, and energizing your visions, and that was exactly the kind of guidance I received. Do you know how to utilize the new moons effectively for your business growth? If not, I'll be sharing all about it in my upcoming complimentary Sacred Business Acceleration Series. Feel free to sign up and join us.
In the meantime, below you will find some additional insights on how to utilize the boost of energy Aries provides. The new moon in Aries is March 31 - April 2, 2022 in the Eastern Time Zone.
The Aries new moon says pay attention to where you are guided to take action. If there is any place in your life or business where you need some fuel for growth, apply the action energy of Aries. Walk, run, or dance – just move. Get outside and play. Get in the sunlight if you can. Use the energy you generate to take aligned action on your intentions.
Tune into Aries during the new moon window and ask what needs to be done that maybe you haven’t thought of yet. Take time to fire up anything in your life that needs extra energy. Make decisions and then take action.
Also notice with Aries if there is any place your fire needs to be contained or balanced. Are you running over people? Burning yourself out? Is there any place you are out of control? What do you need to do to balance fire effectively in your life right now?
In terms of your creations, the most powerful action you can take during the new moon in Aries is to listen to what what needs to be done and do it. Take action! Energize your intentions. This is a very potent time to start something new or get an area of your life or business revved up by adding some additional fire.
Personal Action Suggestions for Aries New Moon (choose only 1 or 2 to apply):
• Get in motion, energizing your body.
• Schedule time to PLAY and then go do something fun.
• Notice where in life you need to be more yourself; then express your individuality.
• Start a new project or move one forward.
• Build a well-contained fire indoors or out, and as it gets going, sit and reflect with it, asking where you need to apply greater levels of fire energy in your life. Journal.
• Make an action list of things you need to get done and start doing them.
Business/Professional Action Suggestions for Aries New Moon (choose only 1 or 2 to apply):
• Accomplish tasks to take your business to the next level.
• Decide where you need to apply energy in your business, to actively lead and direct it.
• Notice where you need to get a “move on it” in your business.
• Connect to ways you need to apply the light of fire to make your business more visible.
• Create an action plan for the next few months.
• Ask yourself how you can make your business more fun.
• Step up your leadership!
If you'd like to discover more about how to work with and apply "right timing" in your leadership, life, and business sign up and join us for the complimentary 3 module Sacred Business Intuition Series beginning April 13th. You can find out more and REGISTER HERE.