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Solar Rhythm: Autumnal Equinox

Connecting with the natural rhythm of the sun and the moon assists you in aligning the growing cycle of your creations to natural world. The more in sync and in harmony you are with Mother Nature, the more the manifestation of your creations flow gracefully into form. When you are out of rhythm, it's a bit like swimming upstream, you are fighting with the natural rhythmic flow of life. Our culture rarely encourages a deeper connection with the natural world which does enhance your capacity to create with greater grace and ease. It's up to you to find a way to increase your awareness of nature's natural rhythms in our modern world. Ancient and indigenous people paid attention to the cycles because their lives depended on it. Ours actually do too, yet, these fundamental principles are often forgotten in a clock, calendar, and technologically driven society. If farmers don't plant the crops at the right time there still are no crops to eat. We are interwoven with nature in ways that matter to our ability to flourish and thrive. Take a little time over the next three days to tune into the natural cycle of the equinox and just notice how you feel. I'd love to hear about your connection. Lisa

Autumnal Equinox

In the Northern Hemisphere, Autumnal Equinox brings the second harvest celebration of the year as the growing cycle begins to fade away. Just as things started really heating up at the Spring Equinox, for the active growing cycle to begin, Autumnal Equinox brings a change toward the reflective phase of the cycle as the turn toward the darker days of the year deepens. Now the old cycle begins to fall away as the ground prepares to rest.

Autumnal Equinox, also called Mabon, occurs each year somewhere around September 21st - 23rd. This year the exact point falls on the 22nd. So the window of influence is September 21st-23rd. In the seasonal cycle, called the Wheel of the Year, Autumnal Equinox sits directly across from Spring Equinox which the Southern Hemisphere is experiencing now. During the equinox windows, you find the light and dark perfectly balanced. Autumnal Equinox is the halfway point from Summer Solstice to Winter Solstice, and brings the awareness that change is in the air. At this time of year, you are called to let go of the growing phase of the cycle, allowing it to fall away just as the leaves begin to fall from the trees.

The Earth’s seasonal cycle can be likened to your daily cycle. One seasonal cycle to her is equivalent to one of your days. Spring represents her morning, summer her noon and afternoon, autumn her evening, and winter her night and deep sleep. She then wakes in the spring and begins her “day” all over again, just as you do. This time of year feels like dusk, as the sun begins the setting process, and things start to wind down.

Since equinoxes represent a time when the light and dark exist in sacred balance, it provides you with an opportunity to tune into the balance of your life too. Notice if you need to balance anything in your life to more effectively bring your desires into being. Perhaps you need to balance your active outer world actions with more quiet restful energy or balance your time indoors with more time spent in nature. Or maybe you need to focus your actions to get some energy flowing. You can simply ask internally what in you needs to be balanced at this time so you can begin making the necessary changes.

Choose the one or two ideas you need most to work with, then focus on those. Intentions function best when there are only one or two to concentrate on in any cycle.

Personal Action Suggestions for Autumnal Equinox:

  • Create an activation ceremony for any key areas of your life that need attention. Light a candle, dance, sing, or drum; do anything that enlivens your intention.

  • Fill your heart with gratitude for all that has come into being this year and whatever was energized in your ceremony.

  • Fully feel your creation desires in form, full and complete.

  • Turn your plans over to Spirit and give thanks.

  • Write down in your journal any messages you receive about creating more balance in your life.

  • Notice if there are items in your life that you no longer use. Create some type of giveaway to release your unneeded things to a new life.

  • Tune into any ways your creations need a final boost of energy for the third harvest coming approximately six weeks from now.

Business/Professional Action Suggestions for Autumnal Equinox:

  • Celebrate all that you have brought forth during this growing cycle. Appreciation of all that has come forth provides you with energy to go forward in your creations.

  • Once you have fully honored your success, then you can notice what it’s time to leave behind or let go of. Ask yourself, “What things in my business do I need to release so that they can find a new life?” Give away unneeded items.

  • Release old unproductive ways of doing things in your business.

  • Ask yourself if there are any ways you need to balance your work and personal life further. Take notes and follow up.

  • Reflect on the use of your time in business. Do you spend time on unproductive tasks instead of the ones that drive your business forward? If so, which activities do you need to release?

  • Notice where you need to place your focus in order to be more productive, thus allowing you more time off to balance your work and life.

  • Choose your clear business focus for the next six weeks and energize your intentions.

Elemental Guidance:

If you have an Elemental Forces of Creation Oracle (which FYI are now back in print and available digitally), you may want to draw cards for additional guidance from each element and/or add insight from other decks. You can also simply tune into the element and ask the question.

Give thanks to Earth and ask “What is my message of balance for my creations?

Give thanks to Water and ask “What is my message of balance for my creations?

Give thanks to Air and ask “What is my message of balance for my creations?”

Give thanks to Fire and ask “What is my message of balance for my creations?”

Give thanks to Spirit and ask “What is my message of balance for my creations?”

Now ask the unified field of all of the elements and Spirit for a unified message for what your creations need in the way of balance. Personal Harvest Gratitude

I'm feeling extremely blessed at this harvest window. Many things have come into form this year. Some I had on my creation cards and some just surprised me with their unfolding. Here are a few of the rich blessings from this year.

1) Two of my previous books surprised me with wanting some changes and a refresh this year and they are now on Amazon. You can click on the images to go to their pages on Amazon.

2) The Elemental Forces of Creation Oracle also called for a refresh. Thanks to Lisa Marie Grantham who inspired this revision and worked deeply with me to make it so beautiful! It's now back in print and also in digital form.

These are a few of the harvest blessings I'm giving thanks for this season. What about you?I'd love to hear what you are harvesting! Bountiful blessings, Lisa #autumnalequinox

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