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Writer's pictureLisa Michaels

Solar Rhythm: Samhain

SAMHAIN TRADITIONALLY CELEBRATED ON OCTOBER 31 The exact point when the Sun reaches 15 degrees Scorpio this year, which falls right between Autumnal Equinox and Winter Solstice, occurs on November 7. So this entire week presents a wonderful opportunity to work with these energies through the suggestions here. The four cross-quarter days of the Wheel of the Year were considered very important by the ancient people who worked with the Wheel. Honored by many cultures as a sacred time, Samhain (pronounced Sah- win, or Sah-ween) is also known as Halloween, All Souls Night, All Hallows Eve, with the Day of the Dead, or All Souls Day following on November 1 or 2. The medieval Irish word Samhain means summer’s end. It’s celebrated as the last of three harvest festivals (Lughnasad, being the first; Autumnal Equinox, the second), as the growing season in the Northern Hemisphere comes to a close. This cross-quarter day begins the turn toward winter. This time of year when so many cultures honor the dead occurs just as the deepest darkness of the year begins. The solar “Sun God” traditionally is thought of as going back into the womb of the “Goddess” to gestate there, until his rebirth at Winter Solstice. The six weeks from Samhain to Winter Solstice are the darkest time of our year. Traditionally, this creates a window that ends the old growing season before the new one starts again. Some people connect to Samhain as both the end and the beginning of the new year; to others, it’s the end of the old year as the new one begins at Winter Solstice. Either way, the “veil between the worlds” of life and death are considered thin here, and traditionally, we honor those who have crossed through death to the other side. During this Year of the Wheel Point, the ancestors are honored and celebrated by displaying photos and lighting candles on their behalf. These departed loved ones are also sometimes contacted for communication during this time. So take time here to appreciate all your ancestors, loved ones, and mentors on the other side, and all that you have harvested as this growing cycle comes to a close. This window begins the inward turning time of the year. It’s the time to reflect within in order to determine what you’re ready to release or let go of, and what you choose to bring into the next growing cycle. The action of reflection here forms a very important part of the creation cycle. In order to create the “new”, often something also needs to be “let go of.” So spend time in reflection, tuning into what needs to be released, then be willing to take action to do so physically. Or allow it energetically. As this growing cycle ends, and the new one is conceived, take time to

Choose the one or two ideas you need most to work with, then focus on those. Intentions function best when there are only one or two to concentrate on in any cycle. Personal Action Suggestions for Samhain:

❖ Honor your ancestors and those who have transitioned that you love.

❖ Tune into what you need to release and have a “letting go” ceremony or a big giveaway of things you no longer need.

❖ Connect to anything you want to bring into form, energize the feeling of its completion, and give thanks.

❖ Work with your creation journal or dream board, collage and energize what you are ready to have come into form. Remember that some things you want to bring in require a gestational time on the inner (just as a baby does in the womb) before they are ready to birth or emerge into the outer world.

❖ Spend some time really listening to your inner guidance in every area of your life. This is a very important time to connect to elemental wisdom by working with each element (see directions below) and to listen internally to your feelings and guidance.

❖ Review your year and ask yourself where you were successful with bringing in your creations and where you can apply yourself more fully.

❖ If you enjoy divination, this is one of the most potent times of the year to do it because the veils between the worlds are thin. So get out your oracle cards, runes, or other tools and ask for guidance for the coming year. Business/Professional Action Suggestions for Samhain:

❖ Tune into what you need to “let go of” in your business/professional life in order to bring forth the next level of growth.

❖ Take time to connect to your inner guidance around what’s next to be created in your business.

❖ Honor and give thanks for your business/ professional growth, development, and abundance over the last year. Determine the details of what you would like to bring forth during the next year.

❖ Spend time in reflection around your business. Determine what needs gestation in order to fully come into form in the next growing cycle.

❖ Honor your business “ancestors” and do some divination for your business.

❖ If you want to see your business desires in form, use this window of ceremonial opportunity to allow the magical creation forces of nature to powerfully assist you.

❖ Remember to give thanks and only energize what you choose to have come into form. Elemental Guidance: If you have an Elemental Forces of Creation Oracle, you may want to draw cards for additional guidance from each element and/or add insight from other decks. Give thanks to Earth and ask “What do I need to let go of for the next growing cycle and what is it time to create?” Give thanks to Water and ask “What do I need to let go of for the next growing cycle and what is it time to create?” Give thanks to Air and ask “What do I need to let go of for the next growing cycle and what is it time to create?” Give thanks to Fire and ask “What do I need to let go of for the next growing cycle and what is it time to create?” Give thanks to Spirit and ask “What do I need to let go of for the next growing cycle and what is it time to create?” Now ask the unified field of all of the elements and Spirit for a unified message for what you need to let go of and release and what it is time to create.

My hubby and I spent the weekend clearing out the garden from most of the summer veggies. The third harvest was very present on my mind and I said on my Facebook page,"Plants are healing and it’s not just eating their precious nutrients. The very act of being around them nourishes the body, mind, emotions, energy, and soul. It’s going to freeze next week here, so it’s time to harvest the remaining frost sensitive crops this weekend. I’m starting with the roselle’s and gratefully handling their harvest feels like such a sacred act." When I finished picking I had another huge basket full of these amazing and deeply nourishing plants. I dehydrate them and drink them for Vit C and tons of other healing properties all year long. You can discover more about Roselle here. Now this week, I'm head long into finishing a MAJOR project I've had for this year which has been remodeling the Nature Aligned Leader Creation Coach program and all the programs that fall within that training. It's been huge and I'm almost finished. It's kept me so focused you haven't see many new things on the website for a while, but you will. It won't be long now and I can't wait to share. Sending you much love and many harvest blessings, Lisa

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