Solar Rhythm: Spring Equinox 2024

Spring Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere, bursts forth with the exuberance of the young, playful, and new. Creations start really heating up here as the sun brings the active growing cycle, so get ready to actively plant your garden and your desires.
The solar fire energy of light, provides the life force that warms the earth and the crops for growth. It creates the excitement and passion for any endeavor and provides the spark needed to activate desire. As the solar force, it shows its yin/yang expression in the turning of day into night and night into day. The sun teaches you to balance your active, outward moving, daylight energy with the cool, restful, and reflective energy of the evening.
Since the equinox represents a time when the light and dark exist in sacred balance, it provides you with an opportunity to tune into the balance of your life. Here you can evaluate things that may need your attention in order to come into greater harmony and alignment.
Do you need to balance anything in your life to more effectively bring your desires into being? Perhaps you need to balance your active outer world actions with more quiet restful energy or balance your time indoors with more time spent in nature. You can simply ask internally what within you needs to be balanced at this time.
This Wheel of the Year point is named after the Earth Goddess Ostara, or Eostar. Since rabbits and eggs were sacred symbols of the fertile Goddesses, you see these used in many Spring Equinox celebrations. If you feel inspired, decorate your space with these images and fresh spring flowers, and connect to the fertile aliveness they bring.
Choose the one or two ideas you need most to work with, then focus on those. Intentions function best when there are only one or two to concentrate on in any cycle.
Personal Action Suggestions for Spring Equinox:
Tune into what you choose to manifest personally in the upcoming growing cycle and write them down and date them.
Create a ceremony to honor Spring Equinox. Create playful activations for any key areas of your life that need attention.
Light a candle, dance, sing, or drum; do anything that is fun to you and that gets your energy moving.
Use the window of Spring Equinox to add energy to your creations; fill them with the life force this period offers.
Connect to the enthusiasm of a youthful, lighthearted spirit by honoring children and the child within at this time as well.
Fill your heart with gratitude for all that you have energized as fully formed.
Feel your desires in form, full and complete.
Turn your plan over to Spirit and give thanks.
Business/Professional Action Suggestions for Spring Equinox:
Tune into what you choose to manifest in your business during the upcoming growing cycle, write down your manifestation focuses, and date them.
Notice what business creations are springing to life.
Look around your business to determine what areas need activation. Then take action.
Place fresh flowers on your desk and around the entrance to your office or work area.
Ask yourself how you can make your work more fun, playful, and exciting. Write down any ideas you receive.
Create a ceremony designed to infuse energy into your business and finances.
Go outside with your journal or paper and a pen. Find a comfortable place to sit on the ground. Connect to the earth and the sun. Ask what you need to do to develop more effective business systems that will activate growth in your income.
Connect to the Goddess Ostara and ask her how you can create more fertility in your business.
Elemental Guidance:
If you have an Elemental Forces of Creation Oracle, you may want to draw cards for additional guidance from each element and/or add insight from other decks.
Give thanks to Earth and ask
“What is my activation message for this growing cycle?”
Give thanks to Water and ask
“What is my activation message for this growing cycle?”
Give thanks to Air and ask
“What is my activation message for this growing cycle?”
Give thanks to Fire and ask
“What is my activation message for this growing cycle?”
Give thanks to Spirit and ask
“What is my activation message for this growing cycle?”
Now ask the unified field of all of the elements and Spirit for a unified message about activating your creations.
I did this unified field draw on the Deckible app on behalf of the collective. Tune into each card and feel into the guidance you receive. Here's one possible unified field message: "Ceremony and celebration helps me to gain perspective on my creations, my relationship to others, and spark the growth of my manifestations with grace and trust."
Tune into what these cards inspire in you and have a blessed equinox dear one. Lisa
Spank is hilarious Kate! Thanks for the blessings dear one.
Thank you, Lisa. (I must admit, when I first saw your Fire card, I thought it said "Spank"!) Blessings of Ostara's balance and abundance to you and yours! Kate